Approximately three hours into my first game, I'm on turn sixty-eight. The gameplay is fantastic, and I'm pleasantly surprised by how frequently the humor lands. However, I'm well aware that there are numerous facets of the game that I haven't mastered just yet, and I'm terrified that, like in an embarrassingly high number of games before it, something I don't comprehend will lead to an unexpected "Bwahaha, you lose, loser!" moment.
The logistics are something I still don't fully understand. It seems that a city's logistical capacity determines the maximum number of military units it can generate; after that capacity is filled, the city is unable to manufacture any more military units. Although I seem to recall seeing this restriction before, I am not of when it was altered to permit me to manufacture an increased number of pieces. What are some ways to improve or streamline logistics? For what reasons am I unable to view my logistical figures (available/max)?
geometry dash
I have also obtained a unit known as a "logistics expert" in relation to logistics. I don't know how to "station" this guy, yet it claims he can improve a city's logistics "when stationed there."
My "shaken administrator" unit can also boost a city's expansion. Do you have any reasons why I shouldn't utilize one of these units? I asked the same inquiry of him.