I've had a question about the visual rendering for a long time, and frankly I just haven't bothered to ask, for some reason.
My question is essentially this:
How close does the stuff on screen correlate to what is happening on the back end, behind the scenes.
My reason for asking is that I have seen MANY occasions where a unit like a zeus fires off, and seems to kill another unit that was nowhere near the energy bolt.
So I am curious what the logic really looks like on the back end.
In the example above, is the logical zeus data object actually interacting with other back-end unit objects based on their pinpoint locations and individual hitpoints; OR are we only seeing an approximation of the combat playing itself out, with the back end logic being more oriented towards macro stats of a metaunit?
This is an important distinction in my mind...
It would potentially have a significant implication relative to the capacity of units to actually have better AI (so that they can react more logically and reasonably).
... which leads to a secondary underlying question:
To what extent is the foundation already there for more intelligent AI (formations, units that respond as a player might hope)?
Or would better AI actually require more of a fundamental overhaul of the engine and the way that combat is currently calculating unit behaviors and results?
Hope that's clear enough.
It might be based on some false premises.
Feel free to educate me.
I bet I'm not the only one who wonders about this.
I bet many folks would find the answer really interesting.