Should I be able to play yet I think it said I could play beta but I tried to download and it said it was not available yet?
when will it be available for me?
The Alpha won't come out until Mach, and the Beta will probably be out in July. These are estimates since their is no set dates yet. You could get endless space while you wair. I would recommend checking out this post if you can't make an avatar. Don't forget to leave a comment.
thanks added my picture now
dam we need to wait almost another 10 months to play
Ya I play endless space but its just not as good as this game will be
plus they have a bad server
Weird this post still seems to not have my pic next to it?
Many of us have seen the delay in our avatar showing up. It shows in your profile, so give it a little time.
You can check out the GC3 FAQ for more info. We're shooting to get the alpha out by Winters end and the beta will depend on how it goes from there.
I say let it take the time it takes. The more time spent on alfa and beta the better product will be released in the end.
Still, I would love to grab a huge alfa bite right now before other games I am waiting for are released.
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