After dropping as much on a car as some people spend on their first homes, one would expect the windshield to remain intact
that might be true, except i was in the car business at the time, and it was an "inside" deal.
A true 'quality' car wouldn't have these issues, regardless of the make or model.
you deem in your wisdom, that lexus's now suck, because my windshield got a crack in it and did exactly what it was supposed to do (not shatter in my face). and the only way lexus can be a "quality car" is if they start making their own glass, with technology not yet developed instead of buying it like every single car manufacturer does from companies like PPG and Du Pont.
the lexus design gives me great visibility. i never get glare in my eyes because of the careful design. and i almost never wear sunglasses, nor do i need to in my lexus. 2 very important safety features. not to mention convenience.i'll take that and the fact that the windshield won't shatter in my face over your objections any freakin day.
and i do allow people who work for me and such to drive my car on occasion. so, it is very possible that something struck my windshield and i was just never informed.
also, my car had to be "street parked" for a few weeks in the spring when a) we had some work done on our driveway / garage. and

when we had some landscapers put a mobile dumpster in our driveway to handle the hauling of trash from a couple different jobs around the house.
vandalism is certainly a possiblility there. as are other factors.
give it up lil girl...the flattery is nice and all. but at least have a leg to stand on, lol.
just more of yer hate campaign...and it's so transparent, like safety glass.
but by all means, feel free to try to trash lexus's reputation for our own petty and obvious motives.