When the need for cheap an intelligent laborers raised after the beginning of the massive task of building the Stargates, scientists from planet Sol agreed to reopen the secret files of the Gynoclon lab. Within these files they uncovered a new technology that will allow the fast and cheap creation of human clones with and IQ 100 times higher than normal human beings, also the strenght and physical abilities of these clones will allow them to endure the tough conditions of working in outspace.
After the construction of the Stargates were finished the Secret GROSS agency (Secret organization working for the Evil empire) received the order to eliminate all the clones. Just a few escaped from this massacre. Just 13 of them made it to the second moon around Sol, there they went underground and started to plan how to survive in a hostile world and how to get revenge for the atrocities commited by the Evil empire and their secret agency (GROSS). The survivors under the leadership of one of the most talented mind in the whole galaxy, decided to create an organization who could defeat the evil plans that were threatening their lives.
As a result of this a new powerful organization have been born, it's name CDG Creation league. New resources have been created with the goal to bring the Gynoclon program back to life. The leader of CDG only known by his codename Elucidus and his right hand codename Desert Fox are intensely searching for any survivors of the GROSS massacre. Few have been found and many are still hidden afraid to reveal their true identity.
One of it's overlord has been able to infiltrate the high ranks of Metaverse (The superior form of government) that is in charge of ruling the galaxy. The Gynoclon plans are in our hands at last, but the file for the creation of the superclones is still missing. We have been able to find out who is the one with the file on his possesion, his name is Hairy the Taco and his life is now under siege, soon that file will be ours and then the whole galaxy would be our doormat.