Fixed a few of the minor race Champs not having a move statistic
Most of the other sovereigns can now get resource harvesting
Fixed a stuck turn situation
Fixed bug where wrong tile was sent to function which places lieutenants
Added attack, OnHit, Select, Run, Death sfx for Rival Pioneers
Updated Core Units and Sound Packs for Rival Pioneers
Updated descriptions of the rival factions.
Quest ambiances now have music mixed in
added spellbook tooltips to spellbook icons/buttons on the Customize Sovereign Window
Fixed Unearth Dungeon and Ancient Tomb Portraits
'Reliquary' improvement is unlocked after 'Barracks'
Changed end game score calculation.
Fixed layout issues with the endgame screen
Added Abilities to the Ash Colossus summon, now leaves fire tiles around his spawn point
Priest tree now has 'Great Temples' properly coming from 'Shard Temples'
Vorpal Weapons now have icons
Fixed Swamp tactical battle map that didn't have proper blocked tiles set
Ogre Magus portrait hooked up
Healing Light formatted text fixed.
Guardian's "Volcanic Vengeance" ability now unlocks the Volcano spell.
Arcane Arrow ability should increase by # of Shards
Fixed 'Flaming Arrow' range issue and missing icon.
Shale Strike icon hooked up.
Swapped the Frozen Realm and Ice Lord pioneer portraits
Summoned units can now go immediately when called into battle
Rain of Arrows now ignores friendly unit in the hit radius
"Random Quest" tiles on maps and stamps will no longer pick from the 'Champion Statue' quests
Added a SMALL MAPS ONLY option for the 3rd Minor Race entry (when playing an Arena map)
Hooked up more items to be unlocked from the sovereigns' "Forging" ability
Help Menu Fixes
New Help Screen topics for: Rival Factions, Tactical Battle Initiative, Tactical Battle Tactics (sovereign casts, swarm, area of control),
Tweaked Shard Attacked and Pioneer tutorial popups to clarify certain mechanics
Added info on how to reset tutorial popups to tooltip in options
Transmutation Sovereign Ability description re-written.
Fixed the Dwarf Hero's axe in his left hand.
Fixed bug where sometimes a map wouldn't have a hero Statue
Fixed: Drogons 'new hero' quest had the wrong internal name
Quest Complete window: hooked up Defensive bonus icon
Changed to spell unlocked window to one with a shiny border
Units stationed in a city, or subunits of an army, now have disabled actions for actions that have no effect in those cases (guard, explore, pass).
Changed text for dialog box that comes up when Auto Explore is automatically cancelled due to having no more FOW to clear.
Fixed empty loot window when you step onto the abandoned ship
Added special "loss by doomsday" text during the endgame screen if that's how you lost
Revised text of Galor-SK Trading quest (Threat Level 0 Interaction).
Player Placement: added redundancy checks when placing the starting city for NON-LAND tiles and SK OWNED tiles
fixes issues with messed up Arena maps
Lieutenant Placement: added check for spots that are a bit further from the player. This fixes issues where the Lieutenants would be creeping about in your starting area.
Crafting window popup no longer shows dead units
Nerfed to the following roaming encounters
Crafting Window lists no longer pop back to top
when city levels up, or a resource improvement finishes, city hud is now updated to reflect any change in production has had on the number of turns left on the city's current project
addressed GWG issue where gamesave Loading screen is up and picture frame is cleared between games
Display HP loss or gain as a quest reward Quest Complete Window. Some quests do this, but it was not being displayed.
Champions defending Rivals capital cities are now lvl25
Customize Sovereign window controls are now pre-populated with information from the Sov passed in, so that you can edit what was already set, rather than having to start over every time.
Modified formatting on starting tutorial message
Fixed typo on sovereign quest
Lots of new goodie huts for variety, upgrade into much tougher creatures
Goodie huts have a chance to provide a rare item
General increase in the # of SK units allowed
Minimum spawn level now looks at total turns
# of minimum Sk units considers total turns
Greatly reduced the # of Urxens (SK pioneers) that spawn
There will tend to be a couple turn delay before the Sk confronts you about building a city
Rivals won't found cities for the first 30 turns
Rivals have less chance of training a pioneer
Fixed bug where logistics display would not show the +5 from the Warfare Sovereign trait until something else marked logistics as dirty
Changed default movie volume to 50
Fixed underlying issue that caused the Sk's sov not to be saved out, and would have to be recreated when the code eventually notices it's missing
Small text tweak to dress up a couple options (metals and crystal resources)
Fixed Barracks and Armory to unlock the proper things
Replaced Archer Increased Range bonus with a free Archer unit for one of the random quests.
Fixed: Choose your rivals - Portraits missing on map size change
Fixed crash due to running out of suitable starting locations in a tactical battle.
Upgraded the spider to an Ancient Black Widow to make it a little more menacing
New art assets for the Rival factions settled cities.
Fixed: UI unresponsive after after attempting to trigger Varda quest objective
Added ogre magus portrait added
Tweaked text to make the number of souls less specific so it doesn't imply any changes to population levels.
Sovereign - Updated Sovereign Descriptions to make sure gameplay differences are explained.