I see craftable weapons have been nerfed to uselessness now.
REALLY?! SOVEREIGN SWORD does 16 damage and requires level 8 whereas hunter sword has no minimum level, adds +3 to init and +10 against animals...
Seriously... LAY OFF THE CRACK when doing re-balances...
Most of the weapons are fairly useless now
The shadow sword... is more like a shadow dagger... or perhaps... shadow letter opener...
Another joke... the Pyre Brand... seriously... it's like you guys were sniffing glue and just throwing stickies with numbers at a wall or something... MINIMUM LEVEL 6... and it does a WHOOPING... 9 physical and 4 fire... OOOHHHH... don't let the WHOLE 13 damage sword scare you....
Get some rest.... go to a rehab... and then try again...