B5: Spell: Place road
Problem: Is the place road spell supposed to be only castable on non-forest non-beach tiles? If yes, place change this as the spell now become rather useless.
The 'Enchant land' and 'Cleanse land' spell are not intuitivve. It is not possible to know, which tiles they can be used on as there is no clear indication of what kind of tile you are selecting. I mean it would be nice to know if you are currently above a grassland tile, forest tile etc. I think Elemental War of Magic had a little window showing terrain information.
I also think the description for 'Enchant land' and 'Cleanse land' should be more clear - at least to new players. I am not sure, what the spell does? Do 'clean land' turn a shadow tile into a grassland tile? Do 'enchant land' provide more fertile tiles??