Beta 2 is coming along nicely, and it’s full of new content and lots of requested features. Lead designer Brad Wardell posted a dev journal with a roadmap of what’s coming to SK both in the near term and in the big picture, which has a lot of great info. Beta 2 specifically includes:
Guardian and Tyrant sovereigns
New heroes
Geomancy! Raise mountains or sink land into the ocean
All eight minor factions
Bug squashing, balancing across the board, and much more
We’re taking the unusual step of making one of our development snapshots available as an opt-in beta for you all. Beta 2 is still planned for a mid-November release, but you can check out a fair amount of the content today – with the caveat that this build is buggy and incomplete, even in beta terms.
Read the full patch notes below.
To download the opt-in beta, do the following:
Right-click Sorcerer King in Steam, select Properties
Click the “Betas” tab
In the drop-down menu, choose “Beta 2 Development Snapshot”
Steam will update your game automatically
You can revert to the public build at any time by repeating these steps and choosing “NONE” within the beta selection dropdown.
We would love to hear your feedback, comments, bug reports, and suggestions for the Beta 2 opt-in just as we do for all our builds, so don’t be shy about posting them on the official or Steam forums.
Thanks for your support, and happy conquering!
Sorcerer King Beta 1.2 Dev Snapshot Patch Notes
New sovereigns available; Guardian & Tyrant
New maps; Gilden, Magnar, Archipelago, Revive, & Ruined (we may remove 1-2 for Beta 2)
Terraforming spells added
Minor Factions all have unique quests, can be allied with, and fight monsters.
New thrall mechanic (like unrest tied to Doomsday counter, takes away logistics)
New art in some tactical maps
UI notification system (for enemies in territory, etc.)
Champions losing combat now gives a Doomsday counter penalty instead of a permanent injury
Heal Shard spell added
Some SK strongholds in the world at start
Lots of additional abilities added to units for tactical battles
New monster lairs
Wolf Lair added
SK Garrisons added
Failed adventurers added
Enchantment & special ability animation & VFX fixes/additions
Swamp Giant Fortress model added
New enemy & minor faction units
Swamp Spider
Spells now increase in lore cost as more are earned
SK AI improvements and additional interactions
Quests can result in future indifference, cowardice, courage, fame, compassion, cruelty, and honor events
Starting units now visible on Sovereign Select screen
Bug fixes for sliding and bad animation during auto-resolved combat
Bug fixes for dialogue windows being displayed in the wrong order
Pioneers now start behind other friendly units in tactical battles
VFX for doomsday counter reductions
VFX for transition into tactical battles
Pioneer attack added. Donkey headbutt!
Roads clipping terrain fixed
Lots of misc bug fixes
- Probably a fair number of misc bug additions