Attack the argument, not the person. Always a good rule to go by. If at all possible fight fire with water. I think the argument has merits and points worth taking seriously:
I agree with this idea, geerally. Although maybe I did stray close to an ad hominem and perhaps risk hypocrisy, I did indeed evaluate the implicit argument of the OP in describing the "not taking itself seriously" writing as "lazy." Calling it lazy is hard to support, and the simple, likely fact that someone labored for at least a few hours to produce the written text shows effort was exerted, contradicting the claim of lazy ("not liking to work hard or to be active"
As a writer who has written modded quests for LH, I doubt that anyone banged out these quests in an afternoon. Between writing them and editing, it's a whole lot of work for just one quest, and there is a HUGE amount of quest text in just the EA beta for Sorcerer King.
I don't appreciate it when feedback leaves critical argument behind and becomes ad hominem, as the poster did in not simply taking issue with a creative choice, but implicitly attacking the character of the creator with an unsupportable charge ("lazy.")
The presentation of those arguments isn't really as important as the fact that it represents the honest thoughts of a single person, who may represent many.
Trolls might represent the ignorant thoughts of many, even a majority: that doesn't mean we should respect or tolerate their behavior.