Thanks for the video. 
The Nature Guardian looks like fun. Bill the spider is combo-rific with the Ranger. The Dire Wolf should have a name as well, though. Like Binky?
The Ranger is pretty nifty with some fun skills. Love the Falgull. (or is it Seacon?) Perhaps the Ranger should have a little more green in his outfit to differentiate him from other elite archers.
There should be a recipe for a bow with a rough power rating of the hunter's short sword, IMHO. You could have crafted a hunter's short sword but it wouldn't do much good for the ranger. (Unless he could specialize in melee or be able to switch weapons on the fly.)
Cool intro to the battle as well with the clouds. It's little touches that make the game better.
The idea that equipment will have level requirements and different equipment will give different abilities rather than skill trees for trained units sounds cool. That'll do. ^^ (Really need to get some weapon upgrades for trained units, though.)
Also, good to hear that there will be random events. It'll be nice to be thrown curveballs when we think we are doing well or the game is too easy.
Finally, good to hear that the intelligent Vorpal blade is being given high priority.