'A cloud of dust has emerged out of deep space, seemingly around every planet at once. Consisting of semi-sentient nanobots, visitors from a distant galaxy, they immediately begin assisting with any and all orbital construction projects underway, helping all races equally, regardless of their motivations. (-20% Military Spending)
Global Effect: Starport[Shipyard] is less efficient. (-20% Military Spending), all races."
{The text describes that they assist, but you get a penalty.}
"Study the artifact as much as we can safely, and lock it away in the deepest valt[vault] in the empire."
"Forcibly Volunteer[volunteer] the least popular a crew member from each ship to undergo the transformation, giving them a chance to make something valuable of themselves."
"No. Tell them we need that money for literally anything other than that. In fact, tell them that they now have to work harder for daring [to] suggest it."
"This is outrageous. Diplomacy cannot be effective when both parties act on such bad faith. Turn this figure into[over to] the Council."
"Provides the basic needs of a colony[.]"
XenoFactory_ShortDec; MegaFactory_ShortDec; ManufacturingCenter_ShortDec; IndustrialSector_ShortDec
"Increases a colony's Manufacturing[.]"
"Provides a dedicated power source, boosting production of neighboring factors[factories], and the entire colony."
"Boying[By] toying with the edge of reality, Quantum Power Plants provide an incredibly powerful power source that boosts manufacturing in our factories."
"Give[Gives] a Production bonus to all planets in your civilization."
ResearchCloisters_ShortDec; ResearchCloisters_Dec; QuantumResearchFoundation_ShortDec; QuantumResearchFoundation_Dec; AscensionGate_ShortDec; AscensionGate_Dec
"Not in Beta 1"{These need descriptions.}
"Advances in our understanding of the hazards and diseases posed by alien planet's[planets] has resulted in a new generation of medical facility, better capable of meeting those challenges. These help a colony's population growth rate even more."
"Reduses[Reduces] the logistics cost of ships built on this planet."
"A dedicated military academy will train professional soldiers who will be far more capable than a basic militia of[for] defending this world in the event of invasion."
"By taking a firmer stance with traders, and ensuring all tarrifs[tariffs] and fees are paid on the goods passing through this planet, we can greatly increase our trade income."
"Anyone who disagrees with the way we're running things can now escape to a virtual world where they're the incompetant[incompetent] tyrant. People throughout our civilization will be happier just knowing this is an option."
"Establishing a port of call[Port of Call] will encourage anyone visiting here to take home great memories and leave behind money."
"By creating a special part of our colony that accomodates[accommodates] off-world visitor's specialized needs, we'll ensure that they stay around for longer, and tell happier stories to their friends when they get home."
"A Restautant[Restaurant] of Eternity will attract visitors from across the galaxy, and improve our people's reputation for hospitality so much that it will boost tourism across our entire civilization."
SlaveMill_ShortDec; SlaveFactory_ShortDec
"Makes Labor and Reseach[Research] more efficient."
"Makes farms more efficient and profides[provides] more food."
BlackMarket_ShortDec; PrecursorSouvenirs_ShortDec
"Increase[Increases] A[a] worlds[world's] gross Income[.]"
FightingPit_ShortDec; FightingPit_Dec; Arena_ShortDec; Arena_Dec; Slaughtertorium_ShortDec; Slaughtertorium_Dec; HuntingGrounds_ShortDec; HuntingGrounds_Dec; HealingPools_ShortDec; HealingPools_Dec; MeditationCenter_ShortDec; MeditationCenter_Dec; CommunionShrine_ShortDec; CommunionShrine_Dec; DrathianTemple_ShortDec; DrathianTemple_Dec
"Increses[Increases] a worlds[world's] approval[Approval]."
SocialMatrix_ShortDec; SocialMatrix_Dec; DarkEnergyLab_ShortDec; DarkEnergyLab_Dec
"Increases the Manufacturing and Research of a world[.]"
"Increases the approval and Influence of all the your worlds."
"Increses[Increases] the approval and income[Influence] of all the your worlds."