Turn 5~??
So, I made two mistakes.
1.) It turns out I did not save properly, so I lost the progress for warg battle, I did it again, and instead of militia folks, spearmen got hurt really bad.
2.) As you see, when I found the first city, all of the city-able tiles are gone… because there is a limit for how close cities can be built. I thought I would had enough space for 3/3/3 tile… but it’s gone and I only have 4/3/2, doh. It’s fine, not a big deal.

In order to have a time to heal my spearmen, I decided to pick up some goodies while exploring east area more. I picked up a round shield, but I cannot use it because my queen’s axe is dual-hand weapon. Another is quite good one called wellspring magic scroll which will allow me to heal the troops in the tactical battle (magic scroll will be consumed in the process.)

Keep exploring further , grabbed another goodie (solder’s glove) and I see there is a bandit archer’s army. It is very slightly easier to kill than darkling shamans. I will keep moving close around them to pick up the goodies and activate the quest.
Well, I noticed scrying pool is complete. Time to enchant my city.

Inspiration is the best choice, since it will be a while to have conclave for researching, and growth is not really pressed matter. My first city will be a fortress and it will be used to make pioneers and stuffs, thus it won’t grow fast anyway so I did not use Sovereign’s Call, which accelerate growth of the city until food runs out.
Now, It is time to look at resource bar at the top of the screen. Notice my gold…. I mean gildar in this game’s term, it’s in red. Move my mouse cursor over there, and I found I am losing money, bit by bit. BUT, it is not really a concern unless I go negative and start losing trained troops because I am in debt. You will see why very soon.
Thanks to inspiration, my research speed is doubled. It’s incredible speed boost
Fame normally does not generate per turn until I get specific improvements. For now I will get fame by completing quest and build some buildings that instantly give fixed amount of the fame for once.
Now I click mana and… wow? I summoned the shadow warg and it should consume 1 mana per turn, but it is… well, somewhat bugged and it consumes 0 mana, what the heck is going on…

ANYWAY, when I hit the next turn, finally someone decided to attack me. And of course, the stronger stack, shaman army decided to attack me.

As you see, the map is large, and darklings movement, unlike wargs, are quite limited. It means I can charge my shadow warg sideways carefully so It can pick off one unit one by one without being swarmed by rest of them.

Now, I did a bit gamble here and decided to use rush ability on warg to move once more. Remember this warg will lose 1 turn after this.
Shaman used blindness on warg (which would decrease accuracy of the attack of the warg) but warg resisted the spell and it failed.

Alas, I used slow on Shaman when queen is on act, but the shaman resisted and the spell failed as well. Darkling tried to attack the warg but the warg also dodged the attack as well. Notice the movement of the darklings; they are eventually swarming both damaged spearmen and the warg.

Now the shaman summoned a reinforcement. Tip is, if the summoner dies in the tactical battle, the summoned stuffs instantly disappear. There is no need to fight summoned creature/reinforcements if you can kill the summoner as quickly as possible.

I tried to use slow on shaman again with my queen, and the spell is successful. It decreased shaman’s initiative from 24 to 21 Notice due to losing one turn, my warg is surrounded.
I decided to back off my warg a little bit and decided to attack the darklings that is next to my queen. Thanks to swarm bonus, the darkling dies one hit.
Now, notice another darkling unit that has small white-ish armor icon on the top of their heads… It’s called defensive position, and it is automatically active if the unit is not next to any enemies, and did nothing but move. It will give +5 extra armor, and this mechanism is introduced to reduce “first hit to win” problem.

Very lucky, my milita men did ‘bash’ on the enemy, doing bonus damage and stunned the enemies. All club-type weapon has chance to bash the enemy and active ability for being able to do twice damage attack while losing one turn. So far so good. Now I ordered my warg to finish off that damaged darlking.
Notice I left that summoned darkling, because he will banish as soon as the shaman, summoner dies.
Queen attacks the darkling troops with was on defensive position, doing less damage (5) and I decided to just kill of that summoned darkling anyway.
I moved my milita men to kill the darkling army stack.

Now shaman used this infamous shadowbolt, nearly killed my spearmen. It is crucial to important to make the troops alive. Even if they are heavily damaged, they can always heal themselves for free. But if they die, you have to train them again. Also notice the darkling shaman also used shrink on the spearmen, making them small, thus doing much less damage while gaining some dodges for being small.
I moved my queen and warg to finish off the shaman, and used militia men to kill of the last darkling. My queen got another level.

As a mage, my queen has two separate tab for traits. One is ‘General’ that everyone has it plus magic schools available if the champion has it. Other is Mage because I chose her as mage when asked for the profession. This will be different by different heroes.
Now, the very first trait as level 3 champion is ‘healer’ I will heal the unit 3 hp per turn. While it seems it is not that much, because it is applied for individuals in the unit, it is quite powerful.
For instance, if a unit has three individuals the total possible healing is actually 3x3 = 9 hps per turn, it’s huge.

Now, I am keep picking up the goodies. In order to avoid to position my army next to the butchermen, I will pick up that goodie next to butchermen first, then I move back to grab the one near archer army.
Tear of cyndrum allows my queen to heal herself by 3 when she kills a enemy, equipped.
Now blessed hammer… It does extra damage to undead (notice bonus is NOT applied to ‘dead’. It means it won’t work against dead faction) This will be handly against butchermen, but I notice I will lose another 2 more initiative, since it says -4 initiative against axe’s -2. Oh well, but thing is, the hammer is one-hand weapon opposed to axe’s dual hand; I will be able to equip the round shield since one of her hands will be free. So I decided to equip the hammer and the shield.

My god, forgot she had zero armor, now she has 4 from the shield. A big difference for survival. Notice the shield also gives some dodge chance too.

No resting, now the archer army attacks. With spearmen not healed, my unit will die in this battle because there is no way to stop that archer from attacking the spearmen.

Then now I remember I have a wellspring scroll. I used it and it healed everyone to near full hp.
Some throwing knifes from bandits (it is actually negative habit for some situation, since it does less damage than normal attack) but all units successfully dodged them. Now I am trying to get close to the archer using the warg to kill him first.
My warg kept missing his attacks and my queen is surrounded. Good thing my queen killed one of the enemies, getting 3 hp back, and my milita did bash again (my god, like for weak units like militia, I don’t see them doing bashing this often…)

Warg finally landed the attack killing the archer and I finished small critters attacking the queen.

Now it’s them surrounded.

Very good result.
Now I am ready to face butchermen with healed troops and blessed hammer, but before that I’d like to grab that quest as well, while getting goodie too.
By clearing another monster lair, now my fame reached 3 and getting a hero….

...and they are really bad. Oh yes, they are level 1 hero, give the most flexible, but I just do not like them. I chose right side hero since altar blood is much better than tarth blood.

Now, because of this idiotic experience split mechanism, you do not put more than 1 hero per army stack unless it is absolutely needed. For now (and probably the rest of the game), he will be used as a scout. Good thing is unlike a trained scout unit, as a champion, he can pick up the goodies and activate the quest locations as well, quite effective scouting. He will be moving to the west. Now I am finally activating this quest location….

Oh, this is good. Butchermen-related quest next to butchermen lair, quite fitting.
Yes of course I will gather the flower, while my scout will try to pick up that goodies shown on the west side.

But before that I’d like to clear butchmen lair first.

It’s very good thing that my warg got the first move, otherwise butchermen would simply focus him, killing the warg and another member added to the butchermen. so I moved my warg back.

Just how much damage they did to my spearmen, and this is with one of the butchermen missed the attack. Notice, they have a weapon called a sacrifice dagger, which gives them crit chance and amazing crit damage (early game ruining damage if you ask) while also gives one counter strike. Good thing with spear, my spearmen is immune from the counter attack.

Spearmen missed the attack, but the queen moves forward and did massive 24 damage to butcherman thanks to blessed hammer’s extra attack damage against undead.
With the rest of the troops, I managed to kill everyone else. Another level for my queen.

For the next level, I grabbed Air magic II. This is for tutelage, an enchantment for unit that gives 25% extra experience boost. Yes there are traits that passively gives 25% boost, but it is really a waste of trait points for that. Air II is needed anyway to reach Air IV, so it is win-win here.
I go to spell screen, only to found out I lack mana, so here comes some wait, now my main army stack will go south to clear the spiders and doing the quest while my scout will go to west.

Butchermen’s lair gave me another blessed hammer, blah.
My town completed the all of the buildings queued, so time for new orders.

Cleric for less unrest and monument for more influence zone.
Grabbed the grass, back to the hut, and this happens, of course I will try to kill him.

Easy battle.

Now, remember this potion… This potion is quite powerful and can heal permanent wounds from the champions. If the champion falls from the battle, they get these wounds and won’t disappear even if they are fully regenerated. Only can be healed by 2 potions, and this potion actually can heal any amounts of wounds compared to other potion which only can heal 1 random wound. And that 1 wound healing potion costs 400 to buy later in the game. Meh, but I am too generous person so I will give this potion to the butcherman.

And he joins me. Notice I will use this zombie aspect of the butcherman, and making him a big 6-men unit from a single man here.

Our scouts explored the west, showing more quests and goodies to grab.

The research finished the restoration. Now still in Civilization tab, I am aiming to grab this World Achievement (must do build order first) ASAP, so I will go Civic and Trading in the research tab.

Now with the research done, I put the order for the workshop and garden. Now Cleric is nearly done so I don’t touch this, but Monument should be the least priority. I want to build the workshop as soon as possible and the garden as well. What I am going to do is…

I press the mouse button on that monument icon on the build queue tab, drag it to the right side, now the build queue is repositioned, and is Cleric -> Workshop -> Garden -> Monument. But this will change again because my first village is nearly level 2.
Now, actually I have gotten far more, but I'd like to cut it here because the scroll is insane at this point. Will continue when the page goes 2.