What do you think will be included in the new phone?
A handful of features that have been available on Android for a while now that Apple will market as if they are suddenly revolutionary. They will claim that they were developed solely in Apple's secret basement laboratory which you may not know rivals the Manhattan project for scale and scope.
One or two interesting features that market really well but in reality don't add anything to the user's workflow.
Maybe one truly interesting advancement in the world of smart phones and mobile computing. Maybe.
High praise for LTE, which Apple just discovered on their own, and which will revolutionize smartphones. You simply won't believe how much faster LTE is than 3G! What's that you say? Samsung was one of the driving inventors behind LTE? Our lawyers advise us that we can't talk about that while we're preparing our lawsuit to sue them for infringing on our LTE patent for nicely shaped radio waves.
The sudden revelation that 4" screens are actually the best size screens for smart phones. Apple is again pioneering industry change.
A replaceable battery.
Okay, I made that last one up.
Also, I predict fainting men in skinny jeans.