I was playing a medium sized galaxy on beginner settings for a fair number of turns without any civilizations at war until one turn, i got a pop up saying that one of the terran ceo's of a large corporation had been assassinated and as a result, the terrans declared war on my civilization.
All that makes sense, what seems a bit odd is that almost immediately every civilization in the galaxy popped up to say that they had been paid to declare war on each other, korath clan on the torians, torians on the krynn, krynn on dratha, dratha on yor, etc etc, every civ under the sun said they had been paid to declare war on some random civilization.
i understand the terrans attacking my civ as the random event stated that, but why would every civ suddenly turn on each other in such an odd way as a result? the whole galaxy was at war in a seemingly completely random nature, all saying they had been paid to think of "X" civilization as their enemy.
Is that normal game mechanics? why would terra attacking my civ cause toria to attack yor? and all other weird combinations? i dont recall any of them being allies.
Thanking you for any answers or guesses received.